We talk to Paul Murphy, General Manager Sales & Marketing for PPG Flexibles, about the importance of sustainability and innovation in flexible packaging.
Q: Hi Paul, what in your opinion is the importance of sustainable packaging?
Sustainable packaging has a huge focus from government, the media and as a worldwide environmental challenge. The packaging industry is charged with innovating products that reduces waste and identifying end-of-life options and recycling alternatives. At PPG and Integrated Packaging, we believe very strongly in the conservation of our environment, its resources, and the recycling of as much product as possible. We follow the ethos of “reduce”, “reuse”, “recover” and “recycle”. These four practices are the pillars of our commitment to a better environment and social responsibility.
Responsible packaging should address its carbon footprint by decreasing waste as well as increasing shelf life. I believe flexible packaging addresses these challenges, by utilising fewer resources, while containing the most product with the least amount of packaging. This results in less energy consumption during production, lower green house gas emissions and reduced storage and transportation space compared to other types of packaging. Flexible packaging also produces less waste and requires less landfill space for disposal compared to other packaging materials.
Q: What is the importance of innovation to Integrated Packaging?
Innovation and sustainability are critical to the future of our organisation and the packaging industry. Integrated Packaging has taken a proactive approach and invested significantly in innovation and innovative technology. We are always looking for ways to innovate and keep our customers ahead of the competition. We create new solutions to fill the gaps in the market that our customers may not have even identified.
New technologies are emerging allowing packaging films to become stronger, thinner and more cost effective to the end user. With this comes an expansion into new markets with the realisation of new applications. Integrated Packaging has taken a proactive approach and invested significantly in innovation and innovative technology. The investment in the market leading 7-Layer Co-Extrusion line demonstrates our commitment to bring world-class equipment to deliver innovative, bespoke, and sustainable solutions for Australian customers. The 7-Layer increases the complexity of a film’s components, creating greater opportunity to innovate with different resin blends for increased end-product recyclability and performance.
Having the in-house capabilities to carry out scientific product research and conduct testing is of great advantage IP to us. Together with our national manufacturing capabilities, we can collaborate with our clients to quickly produce innovative solutions.
Q: How do you see sustainable packaging developing in future?
There will be an increased focus on thinner, stronger, and more recyclable packaging films which will also provide consumers a lower cost, sustainable packaging. However, for sustainable packaging to truly effective now and into the future, a ‘circular economy’ model, will need to be employed. A circular economy is an economic system that tackles global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, pollution and the decline in our finite resources by minimising waste and by maximising the efficient use of resources. More businesses will emerge that utilise waste plastics as a resource which has both market and environmental advantages. Integrated Recycling, a leader in this field, transforms redundant agricultural, industrial and consumer plastics into Polytensilate, a tough and extremely durable patented advance material from which it makes its range of recycled plastic products.
I believe there will be more influence and activity by industry bodies and programs such as REDcycle and the Australian Packaging Covenant (APCO). The REDcycle™ Program makes it easy for consumers to keep plastic bags and packaging out of landfill. Australian Packaging Covenant which essentially is an undertaking by industry and government to meet waste reduction targets. Integrated Packaging and PPG are signatory members to both the Australian Packaging Covenant (APCO) and REDcycle.
Our environment is dependent on the businesses of today to take the lead to preserve natural resources for a healthy future. PPG and its subsidiaries are dedicated to helping make this happen. PPG is committed to constantly developing and expanding our product line of environmentally friendly products to be able to offer our customers a complete line of alternative “green friendly” products.
Speak to the Flexible Packaging Experts
For more information on the benefits of flexible plastics, our sustainability credentials and innovations, contact Integrated Packaging.
Visit Integrated Recycling to see how waste plastic has become an important resource for IR’s circular economy product range.
Read more on how Integrated Recycling is repurposing waste plastic
For more information on how to participate with the REDcycle™ program visit: https://www.redcycle.net.au/